Musik-Equipment Reparatur & Service, professionell und kurzfristig

Musik-Equipment Reparatur & Service, professionell und kurzfristig

Jim Dunlop Kerry King KFK Q-Zo - Reparatur & Service, gebraucht

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Jim Dunlop Kerry King KFK Q-Zone

The original Crybaby Q-Zone has been a mainstay on Kerry King's pedalboard through years of tours and recording sessions. Its unique design allows Kerry to create a focused and penetrating "fixed-wah" lead tone to cut through a band as thick as Slayer!

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Jim Dunlop Kerry King KFK Q-Zo gebraucht Preis 139

Bezeichnung: Jim Dunlop Kerry King KFK Q-Zo EAN Code: Nicht zutreffend MPN: KFK Q-Zone